
Idyll Kitchen Books is a Canadian online independent bookstore offering a feast of veg & vintage cookbooks.

We care about promoting compassionate and healthy living through the world of food. We believe that the choices we make in our kitchens and at our tables can have a profound impact on our well-being, the well-being of our communities, and the planet we call home.

Based in Prince Edward County, we specialize in cookbooks, especially vegan, vegetarian, vintage, and natural foods topics. 

We see cookbooks as more than just recipes; they are guides to a way of life. Our curated collection emphasizes the joys of plant-based cooking, connecting with culinary traditions, and nurturing a kinder relationship with yourself & the environment. Food is not only about satisfying hunger; it’s about nourishing ourselves and our communities. We believe in the power of food to create a healthier, more harmonious world.